Doorstep Harvest Newsletter 3-2-13
As with all new foods, it is wise to test new things in small amounts.
All produce this week is organically grown in my winter high tunnel.
This week, you will find:
Braising Mix: a blend of tatsoi, kale, chard, and mustard greens, better known as a stir-fry mix, you can sauté onions and garlic then add greens with a dash of brown rice vinegar and olive oil, sea salt, and a few dashes of mirin (NutriFact: one serving of kale has 49% of your days worth of vitamin C, 778% of your days worth of vitamin K, and 10% of your days worth of vitamin B6.)
Salad Mix: a blend of encore lettuce mix, arugula, carrot tops, cress, beet tops, and mizuna
Herb Bag: includes oregano, thyme, cilantro, and yarrow. Yarrow can be made into relaxing teas, just put it into a quart/pint jar and pour boiling water over it, then let steep.
Carrots: Best carrots I think I’ve ever grown! There’s nothing like fresh winter hoop house carrots. Yum… (WikiFact: Only 3% of the β(beta)-carotene in raw carrots is released during digestion: this can be improved to 39% by pulping, cooking and adding cooking oil.)